SMART on FHIR Registration

SMART Enabled Apps are supported.

SMART client can be registered at. For example https://${Server_Name}/api/fhir_resgistration.php

You can regiseter the app by posting your client name , redirect uri for your client and weather the client will be confidential or public.

There is additional parameter for confidential clients based on their launch. If the clinet wants an EHR launch or App standalone launch.

If the registeration is completed successfully a client_id will be genrated. There will also be a client secret genrated if the client is confidential.

Nth Technologies standard endpoints Use https://${Server_Name}/api/ as base URI.

Note that the default component can be changed to the name of the site when using Nth Technologies's multisite feature.

Example: https://${Server_Name}/api/fhir.php/patient/1 returns a patient resource with id =1

The Bearer token is required for each Nth Technologies API request, and is conveyed using an Authorization header. Note that the Bearer token is the access_token that is obtained in the above Authorization section.


curl -X GET 'https://${Server_Name}/api/fhir.php/patient/1 \
   'Authorization: Bearer eyJ0b2tlbiI6IjAwNmZ4TWpsNWhsZmNPelZicXBEdEZVUlNPQUY5KzdzR1Jjejc4WGZyeGFjUjY2QlhaaEs4eThkU3cxbTd5VXFBeTVyeEZpck9mVzBQNWc5dUlidERLZ0trUElCME5wRDVtTVk5bE9WaE5DTHF5RnRnT0Q0OHVuaHRvbXZ6OTEyNmZGUmVPUllSYVJORGoyZTkzTDA5OWZSb0ZRVGViTUtWUFd4ZW5cL1piSzhIWFpJZUxsV3VNcUdjQXR5dmlLQXRXNDAiLCJzaXRlX2lkIjoiZGVmYXVsdCIsImFwaSI6Im9lbXIifQ=='

Patient Portal API Documentation

The Bearer token is required for each Nth Technologies API request, and is conveyed using an Authorization header. Note that the Bearer token is the access_token that is obtained in the above Authorization section.


'Authorization: Bearer eyJ0b2tlbiI6IjAwNmZ4TWpsNWhsZmNPelZicXBEdEZVUlNPQUY5KzdzR1Jjejc4WGZyeGFjUjY2QlhaaEs4eThkU3cxbTd5VXFBeTVyeEZpck9mVzBQNWc5dUlidERLZ0trUElCME5wRDVtTVk5bE9WaE5DTHF5RnRnT0Q0OHVuaHRvbXZ6OTEyNmZGUmVPUllSYVJORGoyZTkzTDA5OWZSb0ZRVGViTUtWUFd4ZW5cL1piSzhIWFpJZUxsV3VNcUdjQXR5dmlLQXRXNDAiLCJzaXRlX2lkIjoiZGVmYXVsdCIsImFwaSI6Im9lbXIifQ=='
