This Health IT Module is compliant with the ONC Certification Criteria for Health IT and has been certified by an ONC-ACB in accordance with the applicable certification criteria adopted by the Secretary of Health and Human Services. This certification does not represent an endorsement by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
Vendor Name: Nth Technologies
Date Certified: 12/21/2022
Product Version: 6.0c
Certification ID Number:
Criteria Tested: 170.315 (a)(1-5, 9, 12, 14); (b)(1-3, 7-10); (c)(1-4); (d)(1-9, 12-13); (e)(1, 3); (f)(1, 7); (g)(2-7, 9-10); (h)(1)
Clinical Quality Measures Certified: 22v6; 68v7; 69v6; 75v6; 117v6; 122v6; 125v6; 138v6; 146v6; 147v7; 155v6; 165v6; 166v7
Additional Software Used: NLM AccessGUDI API, Surescripts Clinical Direct Messaging, NewCropRx
Costs and Requirements:
Use of this certified product-version requires a contract with an ongoing monthly subscription fee which is charged per top-level provider (minimum one per practice). This subscription fee includes access to the software, patient portal, support, and any updates to the software. The fee also includes access for this provided to the electronic prescription system (see below). Training and transportation fees apply for in-person or dedicated online training sessions. An internet connection is required for all access to the software.For clinics that are discontinuing active use of our software, a reduced monthly fee is available for maintenance of an inactive practice, permitting users to continue accessing existing records without the ability to create any new charts, encounters, prescriptions, or other new records. While this product-version is certified for Data Portability to generate a set of export summaries of all patients; photographs, scanned images, faxes, other uploaded documents as well as medical documentation not included in the Common Data Set are not included in the export summaries. A one-time fee will be charged for the bulk export of these images, documents and documentation. Use of the Data Portability export to create summaries is limited to one active export at a time. Exporting large numbers of patients may take several hours.
Electronic Prescribing, Drug Formulary and Drug-drug/Drug-allergy interaction checking are provided by an integrated third party service provided by NewCrop. First-time users of the service will be automatically prompted to complete an online agreement with NewCrop. Mid-level providers must pay a monthly fee for access to the integrated prescription service to compose prescriptions, whether transmitted electronically or not. All staff members may access the Drug Formulary and Drug-drug/Drug-allergy interaction checking without charge. All prescribers wishing to electronically prescribe controlled substances must pay an annual identity certification fee per prescriber in addition to a monthly charge per prescriber. Electronic prescription of medical marijuana is not possible at this time.
Access to the Surescripts Direct Messaging network is provided via the NewCrop prescription service and requires an additional monthly fee per address, which is tied to a single prescribing provider. Use of this network is required for updating the patients' Medication List and Allergy List by reconciling medications and allergies received in documentation from other providers. Integration of alternate HISPs is not available. Sending and receiving Direct messages with a provider using a different network requires a trust relationship between Surescripts and the other provider's network. In the event that a trust relationship does not exist, Nth Technologies will submit a request to Surescripts to establish one.
Additional one-time charges may apply for establishing radiology or laboratory interfaces to incorporate laboratory test results and radiology/imaging results into the chart. These charges are typically paid by the laboratory or imaging service and cover the development and testing of the interface. In the event that the laboratory or imaging center is not willing to pay for the interface, the clinic will be responsible for this charge. For laboratory or imaging equipment such as ultrasound machines used in the practice, the ability to establish direct interfaces with the equipment may be limited, even if the device has internet access. Interfaces with these devices are handled on a case-by-case basis.
Interfaces for automated submission of immunizations to immunization registries do not yet exist for all states. These interfaces are developed on an on-demand basis and are made available at no charge to customers once completed. Customers in a state without automatic submission will be required to manually submit immunization record data files following their registry's instructions until an automated interface is completed. Interfaces with Syndromic Surveillance registries are also developed on an on-demand basis at no charge to the customer. Both kinds of on-demand interfaces may take several weeks to be completed, depending on the complexity of the interface and the number of interfaces requested across all customers.